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Past campaigns

Funded Projects

The Roads Investment Strategy 1 (RIS1), 2015 to 2020, committed to funding the delivery of six A47 projects following a concerted campaign by the A47 Alliance.

For updates on the A47 scheme progress follow the below links.

National Highways A47 updates  Planning Inspectorate updates

RIS1 Funded Schemes (2015-2020)

Location Junction
Norfolk Great Yarmouth Junction Improvements
Norfolk Blofield to North Burlingham Dualling
Norfolk A47/A11 Thickthorn Junction Improvement
Norfolk North Tuddenham to Easton Dualling
Cambridgeshire Guyhirn Junction Improvement
Peterborough Wansford to Sutton Dualling

Key campaign milestones for RIS1 and pre-2021 campaigning

Social Media Day of Action October 2021

The reignited #JustDualIt campaign culminated in a Social Media Day of Action where businesses, local authorities, politicians and the general public were encouraged to post their support for A47 dualling. This also included articles published in local newspapers and a radio interview on BBC Radio Norfolk with the Federation of Small Businesses making the case for dualling. Headline statistics include 38 pieces of media coverage and 410 uses of #JustDualIt and #JustFundIt tags. Local MPs were among those who showed their support for A47 dualling on social media, as well as Chambers of Commerce, Local Authorities, New Anglia LEP and large businesses and organisations in the region. 

Local MPs call for A47 dualling January 2020

James Wild MP made the case for investment in the A47 in the House of Commons in January. Sajid David, Chancellor of the Exchequer, responded positively to this and stated that Norfolk will benefit from the governments infrastructure revolution.

A47 Alliance Parliamentary Reception June 2019

On Tuesday 25th June the A47 Alliance held a Parliamentary Reception in Westminster hosted by Brandon Lewis MP. The event was attended by over 70 people including business representatives, the Local Enterprise Partnership, Chambers of Commerce, local authorities and MPs. The JustDualIt postcards and other evidence was presented to Michael Ellis MP Minister of State for Transport. An announcement on the funding allocations for the Roads Investment Strategy 2 is expected in Autumn 2019.

Just Dual It campaign launch and Roads Minister visit March 2018

The EDP have launched the 'Just Dual It' campaign providing their full backing to the dualling of the A47. In a meeting organised by the A47 Alliance in King's Lynn, councillors, business leaders, LEPs, Chambers and MPs posed questions to Mr Jesse Norman (Transport Minister). The EDP- backed Alliance is calling on the government to dual the entire 115-mile stretch from Peterborough to Lowestoft, to bring economic growth to the region as well as make our roads safer. George Freeman, Mid Norfolk MP said ' it was a cross- party campaign which is being backed by all 3 counties and 15 MPs and will be led by the community.

MPs debate A47 in parliament May 2014

Roads minister Robert Goodwill was questioned on the progress of a feasibility study for the route stretching from Great Yarmouth into the Midlands, during a Westminster Hall backbench session. It comes ahead of the Autumn Statement later this year, when a decision on the route is likely to be made. Watch the debate here.

A47 Alliance and MPs meet Transport Minister February 2014

The Alliance was supported by Richard Bacon MP, George Freeman MP, Keith Simpson MP, Chloe Smith MP, Elizabeth Truss MP and Simon Wright MP to present a united case to Robert Goodwill MP, Roads Minister and discuss the updated business case.

MP summit at Westminster December 2013

MPs, the A47 Alliance and the Highways Agency met at a Westminster summit to talk about the work of the Alliance in lobbying to secure funding for improvements along the route. David Harrison, Chairman of the A47 Alliance, said it needed about £800m for a raft of projects up to the 2021 period that will deliver a significant boost to the economy. MP's were delighted with the work of the A47 Alliance and have pledged to work together to update the business case in the New Year.

Roads Minister Visits the A47 in September 2013

Stephen Hammond spent an entire day on a visit to the A47. Not only did he drive the entire length of the road from Great Yarmouth to Peterborough, but he also held a stakeholder session at the University of East Anglia. This was attended by MPs from across Norfolk and Cambridgeshire, as well as other stakeholders including the A47 Alliance. The A47 Alliance’s programme – agreed at its 13 September meeting – was shared with the Minister who is very positive and says £800m (the total cost of the Alliance’s ask up to 2021) is not unrealistic.